Little One, Past the love story and the timing, past all of the morning sickness and exhaustion, past some of the thoughtless comments people make toward a pregnant person, and past the wonder of your gender……there is this. I am asking you to come into a very unfair world under my care. I promise to…
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The Lonely Door
You know the one. That door that belongs to you, fits only you, can only be opened and walked through by you. You have been there before and you will be there again. It’s true what they say. There are doors you have to go through by yourself. If you are alone and feeling lonely,…
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Taking Time
We have all said it before, it goes by. It goes by fast. I look back on the many lifetimes I have fit into this one and constantly wonder, “am I that girl?” and “do I know her anymore?” Many times the answer is no. I am not her anymore. Her choices were sometimes based…
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